The Active School Flag
What is it all about?
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, by awarding them with the Active School Flag (ASF).
The Active School Flag will be awarded to schools that:
- Adhere to DES guidelines regarding PE timetable provision for all students.
- Teach a broad and balanced PE curriculum.
- Inform and invite the whole school community to participate in the ASF process.
- Self-evaluate current provision in terms of PE, Physical Activity and Partnerships.
- Plan, implement and monitor improvements for each of the aforementioned areas.
- Organise an ‘Active School Week’ as part of the annual school calendar.
Our school decided in September 2018 that we would try for the Active School Flag. We know that there is still a lot of hard work to be done, but we are up for the challenge. We are very excited about all the new activities and initiatives that will be coming on stream over the coming weeks and months.
Active Committee 2021-2022
The Active School’s Committee for this year has been set up which includes two children from each class from 2nd to 6th class. We meet once or twice a month to discuss ideas and plan what to do next.